I couldn’t live without them.A side note – Good plank textures are notoriously hard to come by, so once you’ve dowloaded the free tools, do yourself a favour and buy some of CG-Source’s multi-texture maps. Both written by Bercon, aka Jerry Ylilammi of fame that do the work for you, not just faster but better and with a flurry of extra options.Since these free tools came out, I’ve hardly used anything else, not only for my parquets but also for all sorts of stone or tiled floor materials. But this was a protracted process and it was only really workable when the floors had reasonably simple shapes (basically rectangles).Then came along with the 3ds Max script � Floor Generator, and a plugin � Multi Texture Map. Or they were detailed enough to be seen up close but did not cover large enough areas, showing repetitive patterns over a certain distance.Initially, I solved the dilemma by actually modeling my parquets and texturing individual planks, placed at random, instead of an entire floor.
Either my texture maps were big enough to cover large expanses of floor without showing visible tiling but they would show some pixelization when zooming on individual floor planks.